Sunday, November 7, 2010

Beginning of a New Week ... Do I Get a Do Over?

Well, it's Sunday. The beginning of a new week, and maybe the beginning of many new things. This past week ends on a rocky note. So, maybe I can look at this new week as a chance to do some things over -- or at least a little differently.

First, I made a new gravatar and header for my blog. I do think it is still a work in progress, but it definitely better fits me. My hair is exactly the same (if I had a constant up-burst of wind blowing my hair up into a fantastic volume of sexiness. Just like J-Lo at the grammies. Mmm, note to self, find something on eBay that can do that for me.)

Second, we had a setback in our pre-teen communications just two days after my small win in that department (see Big Hair Was Cool, and Other Things I'll Talk to My Pre-Teen About). Big blow-up, all out argument on Friday after school -- so it's been a rough weekend so far. However, today starts a brand new week, and I'm confident that things can't possibly get worse.

Third ... well, I haven't thought about a specific third new thing so I'm just optimistic about the possibilities for greatness.

Anyway, happy Sunday everyone! Here's to new things and maybe a chance for some do overs!!!


  1. Happy Sunday to you too! I'm hopping from free hot samples and I'm a new follower.

    Michelle @

  2. Hi! Thanks for following me...I'm following you back! Have a great evening!

  3. Hi Jamie ~

    Thank you for hoping by and following me this weekend! I am now a follower of yours too.

    Have a great day.


  4. Thanks for following my blog! I'm now following you back :) Btw I like your gravatar's hair...maybe you could tell me how you made your gravatar?? I've had a hard time trying to figure out how to make one.

    Thanks, Misty

  5. Hi Jamie - Thanks for stopping by Tips for Saving and for following. I'm already a follower of yours :)

    Keep in Touch!

  6. Thanks for stopping by and entering my File Folder Games Giveaway! I'm now your newest follower! :) Cute header and button. I wish I had your hair. :)

    Lisa xoxo

  7. Hi Jamie! I love the idea of do overs! Thanks for visiting my blog this weekend. I just found your comment in my spam folder... I am your newest follower...
